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ÁGORA – from the Greek ἀγορά-, is the term for which in Ancient Greece it was known the meeting place par excellence of the cities. Since 2014 also a space located in Barcelona where architects Joan Casals Pañella and Jose Luis Cisneros Bardolet meet to meditate together about the architecture project. A profession exercice where resolve the difficult insertion of architecture with its social and physical context becomes a common principle.

Jose Luis Cisneros Bardolet (Barcelona, 1982)
Architect in October 2005 by the School of Architecture of the International University of Catalonia (UIC ESARQ) and Master in Theory and Practice of Architecture (MTTPA) by the school of Architecture of Barcelona of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC ETSAB) in 2011. Has worked with architect Josep Lluís Mateo in his office MAP Architects (2005-2008).

Joan Casals Pañella (Barcelona, 1982)
Architect in October 2005 by the ESARQ UIC, MTPPA by the ETSAB UPC in July 2010 and PhD in January 2020 by the DPA  of the ETSAB UPC with the thesis: “Poetics in contemporary Catalan architecture: architecture as landscape, landscape as architecture”. Has obtained the predoctoral research grant FI-DGR 2011 and the postdoctoral grant Margarita Salas 2022. Has worked with architects Fermín Vázquez, Juan Trias de Bes and Alfredo Arribas. Has been part of the jury of various national and international architecture competitions. Professor FI of the DPA of the ETSAB UPC  between 2011-14. Associate professor of the DPA of the ETSAB UPC between 2020-22. External professor of the DPA of the ETSAM UPM between 2022-23. Tenure lecturer professor of the DPA of the ETSAB UPC since 2023. Collaborator of the ARKRIT UPM research group since 2022 and member of the REARQ UPC research group since 2023.

Work with us
Anahita Rahimi Vishteh
Armando del Plato

Have worked
Germana Lópes, Elisa Sanchis, Meital Schtaierman, Belén Ramos (2019-23), Björn Kock, Íñigo Jimeno, Zsombor Hernádi, Celia Urbano, Sergio Avilés, Nicco Santana, Ilham Ed-draoui, Ane Rodríguez (2020-2022), Eduardo Kei, Irene Cervera, Sofia Lobianco, Isabel Quirós, Amanda Zaramella, Clara Corominas, Daniela Nappo, Tessa Martin, Jaime Gutiérrez, Silvia Gutiérrez, Loris Hours, Giulia Valentino, Laurence Dugardyn, Madeline Salca, Daniel Morales, Michele Di Maggio, Mercè Navalón, Gemma Casas, Julia Tubert, Mónica Grau, Artur Tudela y Rodrigo Álvarez.

2024 Selected Catalunya Construcció Award 21 Edition (VS27)
2024 Finalists Premio de Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XVII Edition (VS27)
2023 Finalists BEAU XVI Edition (VS27)
2023 Selected Architecture FAD Award 65a Edition (VS27)
2023 Selected Interior FAD Award 65a Edition (AX12)
2023 Prize Pino de Galicia Award CESUGA I Edition (VS27)
2023 Jury Mentionn HÄUSER award 2024 (VS27)
2023 Selected Catalunya Construcció Award 20 Edition (MS09)
2023 Selected Enor Architecture Award  IX Edition (MS09)
2022 Selected Premis d’Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona 24a Edition (MS09)
2022 Jury Mention Arquitectura de Teja Hispalyt Award V Edition (MS09)
2021 Selected Interior FAD Award 63 Edition (MD22)
2020 Finalists Architecture FAD Award 62 Edition  (CB17)
2020 Prize Mostra d’Arquitectura Catalana de Barcelona Award 3 Edition (MS19)
2020 Selected Catalunya Construcció Award 17 Edition (MD22+CB17)
2020 Selected Enor Architecture Award VIII Edition (MD22+CB17)
2020 Egurtek Prize 5 Edition (LL06)
2020 Silver Prize EMPORIA VIII Edition PR00)
2019 Opinion Prize Premis d’Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona 22 Edition CB17)
2019 Jury Mention Premis d’Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona 22 Edition CB17)
2019 Golden Prize EMPORIA VII Edition (CB17)
2018 AJAC Prize Interior XI Edition Refurbishment (CB57)
2016 Finalists Arquia Próxima Award V Edition (CB57)

2024  First Prize architecture competition for the new municipal indoor swimming pool in St. Vicenç de Castellet
2024  Second Prize architecture competition for the redevelopment of Ridaura en Platja d’Aro
2022 First Prize architecture competition for the redevelopment of L’Amistat square in Torrefarrera
2020 First Prize architecture competition for the redevelopment of ​​Dr. Flèming Avenue in Platja d’Aro
2020 Second Prize restricted architecture competition for the redevelopment of the Camí Ral in Masnou
2020 Second Prize architecture competition for the new dressing rooms for the Ripoll sports field
2019 First Prize restricted architecture competition for the redevelopment of ​​Segarra street in Masnou
2019 Finalists architecture competition  for the Centre Obert d’Arquitectura  de Barcelona
2019 First Prize architecture competition for remodeling a residential building of 9 flats in Avilés
2019 First Prize architecture competition for the remodeling of the Plaça Europa in Santa Oliva
2016 Finalists architecture competition for the development and reform of the Club Naútico de Vilanova
2015 First Prize restricted architecture project competition for the implementation of a Creation in Barcelona

Remarkable publications

• 2025
• JAKOB, Schoof. Residential building near Barcelona by agora arquitectura. DETAIL. 28/01/25

• 2024
• AAVV. Casa sobre un zócalo de ladrillo. La casa de la arquitectura. Obra destacada. 2024
• AAVV. Refugio para fin de semana. La casa de la arquitectura. Obra destacada. 2024
• AAVV. Casa Caballero. La casa de la arquitectura. Obra destacada. 2024

• 2023
• AAVV.  Casa de CLT sobre un zócalo de ladrillo de agora arquitectura. TECTÓNICA. 31/07/23
• ZERDÁN, Félix.  Arquitectura residencial de España. ROOM, no. 42, 2023, p. 76-78
• AAVV.  Arquitectura residencial de España. CONARQUITECTURA, no. 87, 2023, p. 30-35
• AAVV. La poesie du detail:Les sols d’AGORA. L’architecture d’aujourd’hui, no 458, pp.124-129
• MOIX, Llàtzer. Argila i fusta. La Vanguardia, no. 50.897, 2023, p. 68
• ROS, Cristina. Casa sobre un sòcol del maó. ARA, no. 4.509, 2023, p.14
• AAVV. La materialidad del lugar. Diseño Interior, no. 357, Enero 2023, pp. 64-73
• AAVV. Un despacho, una mesa. Diseño Interior, no. 365, Octubre 2023, pp. 152,159
• AAVV. Casa sobre un zócalo de Ladrillo. On Diseño, no. 423-424, Octubre 2023, pp. 109
• AAVV. Un despacho, una mesa. On Diseño, no. 423-424, Octubre 2023, pp. 135
• AAVV. Reforma de local en torno a una mesa para despacho de arquitectura. TECTÓNICA. 12/04/23
• AAVV. Casa sobre un zócalo de ladrillo. Arquitectura Viva. 12/03/23
• BLANCO, Andrés. Conectando el cielo con la tierra. METALOCUS. 05/03/23
• LAST, Katie. Prefabricated timber home on brick base. DEZEEN. 08/05/23

• 2022
• AAVV. Mostra d’arquitectura de Barcelona 2016-18 3ª Edició. Barcelona: COAC, 2022
• AAVV. Recuperación de la casa del guardés en una masía del Baix Empordà. TECTÓNICA. 10/05/22
• AAVV. Al abrigo de un muro. Arquitectura Viva. 21/03/22
• TESTONI, Chiara. A contemporary reconstruction between stone walls and sunflowers. DOMUS. 26/01/22

• 2021
• GUAILLA, Edwin. Al abrigo de un muro. METALOCUS. 23/11/21
• AAVV. Premios FAD 2021. ON diseño,  núm. 403-404, 2021, p.140

• 2020
• AAVV. VIII Premio de arquitectura ascensores Enor. Vigo: Enor Lda, 2020, pp.434-435
• AAVV. Premios FAD 2020. ON diseño, núm. 398-399, 2020, pp.88-93
• RODRÍGUEZ, Maryan. Un balcón interior. METALOCUS. 28/05/20
• OZUNA, Valeria. Arquitectura nómada para camping. METALOCUS. 25/05/20
• WOTT, Clara. Weekend Shelter. ArchDaily. 14/05/20
• MIMBRERO, David. Rehabilitación y reforma de interior de un edificio de viviendas en Barcelona. TECTÓNICA. 29/01/20
• MIMBRERO, David. Rehabilitación del acceso de un edificio de viviendas en Barcelona. TECTÓNICA. 29/01/20

• 2019
• DIOSDADO, Ana. Restauración en Ciutat Vella. METALOCUS. 20/12/19
• DIOSDADO, Ana. Abriendo puertas a la ciudad. METALOCUS. 13/12/ 19
• PELUSO, Salvatore. Architects-archaeologists rediscover the history of a building in Barcelona. DOMUS. 09/12/19
• AAVV. The home Upgrade. Berlin: Gestalten, 2019, pp.70-73
• SCHUSTER, Lara marisa. Five Tonnes in 30 Days: Weekend Cabin in the Pyrenees. DETAIL. 26/08/19
• MIMBRERO, David. Refugio prefabricado para fin de semana. TECTÓNICA. 20/05/19
• MUÑOZ, Álvaro. Casa Masnou. METALOCUS. 07/05/19
• AAVV. Inexperiències: XI edició dels Premis AJAC d’Arquitectura. Barcelona: AJAC, 2019
• PELUSO, Salvatore. Cork and plywood wrap sustainable hut in the Catalan Pyrenees. DOMUS. 13/02/19
• AAVV. Refugio para fin de semana. Arquitectura Viva. 11/02/19

• 2018 
• AAVV. Casa Tubella. Arquine. 15/06/18
• OÑATE, Inés. Casa Tubella. METALOCUS. 10/05/18
• PRIETO, Nuria. Casa con patio, entre dos terrazas. TECTÓNICA. 7/05/18
• ANTONACCI, Paolo. Casa Tubella. DIVISARE. 4/05/18

• 2017
• MARELLI, Carlotta. Casa Concordia. DOMUS. 10/10/17

• 2016
• MARELLI, Carlotta. Secret Niches. DOMUS. 5/05/16
• AAVV.  Futuro Imperfecto. Arquia Próxima 2016. Barcelona: Fundacion Arquia, 2016, pp.58-59
• AAVV. Casa Caballero. Plataforma Arquitectura. 23/06/16


• Exhibition La vida quotidiana explicada a través de l’arquitectura
Fundació Mies van der Rohe
• 29/02/24 a /03/03/24

•Exhibition Els nous Realistes
• Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
• 27/10/23 a /07/01/24

• Exhibition El millor disseny de l’any. 65a edició dels Premis FAD d’Arquitectura
• Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
• 05/10/23 a /07/01/24

Exhibition  3ª Edició de la Mostra de Barcelona  the Plaça Nova headquarters
COAC Barcelona
• 01/08/22 a /15/08/22

• Exhibition  FAD Awards 2021 at the Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
• Museu del Disseny de Barcelona
• 02/06/21 a /29/08/21

• Exhibition FAD Awards 2020 at the Plaça Nova headquarters
• COAC Barcelona
• 14/11/20 a 05/01/2021

• Exhibition of the 8 finalist proposals for the Competition Centre Obert d’Arquitectura de Barcelona at the Plaça Nova headquarters
• COAC Barcelona
• 20/11/19 to 09/12/19

• Itinerant exhibition of the winning works of the AJAC XI Awards
• Fundació Mies Van der Rohe, ETSA La Salle and COAC (Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona and Terres de L’Ebre)
• 05/18 to 02/19

• Itinerant exhibition of the Premis d’Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona 22 Edition
 COAC (Girona, Garrotxa-Ripollès, Olot, Alt Empordà and Figueres)
• 07/06/19 to 23/09/19

Pre-existence. ESDA La Llotja, 08/10/24
Cátedra Cerámica. UIC ESARQ, 30/10/23
Aporten: projectes per a un món millor. Fad Live! Barcelona (through streamyard), 11/11/20
• Close contexts. Latitudes. Chile (through zoom), 09/09/20
• Conflict as an opportunity. Cicle Inexperiències. Teatre de La Model, Barcelona, 27/10/18
• Some energy efficiency issues. Congreso Nacional de Arquitectura Avanzada 4.0. CCIB, Barcelona, 27/09/18
House between a courtyard of lights. V Foro arquia/próxima: Futuro imperfecto. Paraninfo Universidad de Málaga, 20/10/16